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Popping culture with a rubber chicken since 1802, so you don't have to.
Recorded LIVE every Saturday 7pm eastern at then
posts everywhere on Monday!

Aug 8, 2016

This week Agent Palmer joins us via Skype to breakdown a week in geek! After an awkward start the boys get all into the news and then breakdown Suicide Squad with a non-spoiler AND a spoiler review - and then Chad The Undead shows up. You may remember him from our SNOWMAGGEDALYPSE episode.

8:23 - NEWS: Star Wars TV, HULU docs Bill Finger, where has JMS been, a Swamp Thing thing, Chander Talcum In A Remake Of Splash

29:16 - EMAIL: Disgusting Chinese food, Geek Olympics, Sly Movies, modern Dirty Harry, TV/Movie Rage, Digital Comics, Dark DC/WB, Babylon 5, Sam & Twitch, Our Vehicles, Kid Snacks and MORE!

1:18:35 - SUICIDE SQUAD - Non-Spoiler Review

1:32:56 - SUICIDE SQUAD Full Spoiler Review: well this goes smoothly until Bill's old buddy Chad drops by and has to be all up in it.

2:14:57 Wrap Up: we exit the spoiler talk with a minute or two to close down the show.