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Popping culture with a rubber chicken since 1802, so you don't have to.
Recorded LIVE every Saturday 7pm eastern at then
posts everywhere on Monday!

Mar 21, 2016

This week the team gets wordy about all things nerdy.... as usual:

EMAIL (11:00): Abs Tatum, Spidey Got Talent, Ben-Hur redo, Ripley v Michelle, Scottish Comics Creators, Lazy Rivers, hits to the jewels, Girl scout cookises and MORE!

MEANWHILE (48:20) Bill & Ed saw 10 C;overfilled Lane and Bob's been playing Rocksmith!

NEWS (59:30): Moon Knight has a new comic coming, Pee Wee Portrays Penguin's Papa, Spidey/Civil War, Screening Room an upcoming movies at home serviceand then Bill goes on for a bit about The Worst Idea Of The Week, or as you would know it: "Indiana Jones 5"

LASTLY: The boys talk a bit about Daredevil Season 2 without getting too spoilery.