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Popping culture with a rubber chicken since 1802, so you don't have to.
Recorded LIVE every Saturday 7pm eastern at then
posts everywhere on Monday!

Jul 27, 2015

We made it past ten! This week: Dom gets a TWD gift for his birthday! Then we talk poppy stuff! Southpaw, boxing movies & movie critics! Dom gives us a bit of what it's like in Catholic school. Then in Nerdy News: Michael Chiklis is coming to Gotham! There's a new "Spidey" book! Tyrese STILL wants in Green Lantren...

Jul 20, 2015

Welcome back! Thanks for listening! This week: did Bill & Bob do their Flash/Orphan Black homework? Dom saw The Foo Fighters and who? In News: Girl Meets World Meets Batman? What's up with Fox's Apocalypse? Was the idea for Spider-Man stolen from a 1954 halloween costume? Then we give a brief Non-Spoiler review of...

Jul 13, 2015

The upfront banter: We discuss/recomend The Sixth Gun and Locke And Key! Dom gets a call from the comic shop? Then we cover recent news of Aunt Marisa To-May, Director Batbenfleck, Bernthal Punisher spotted! Then we hit the San Diego Comic-Con news including: Wytches, Batman Vs Superman, Killing Joke Animated, Vixen,...

Jul 6, 2015

It's an all comic book episode covering current and upcoming titles! Fresh from the comic shop (and meeting Cullen Bunn) Dom and Bill go over their Wednesday haul! We Stand On Guard, Outcast, Airboy and more! Then the boys breakdown the highlights of Marvel's big announcement of 45 new books coming next October after...