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Popping culture with a rubber chicken since 1802, so you don't have to.
Recorded LIVE every Saturday 7pm eastern at then
posts everywhere on Monday!

May 23, 2016

We shift things around this week - mullet style! Biz up front and party in the back!

9:05 MEANWHILE: Ed saw Green Room and The Nice Guys! Bob news of people being naughty at BVS! Bill opens the newest Loot Crate!

22:00 NEWS: Outcast is free, Supergirl Fly's Away, Rebirthing Of DC/WB, Keaton Still Hovering Around Spider-Man, Jeff Goldblum and Karl Urban Get Bad For Marvel.

42:21 REBOOT REPORT: MacGyver, The New Star Trek

48:34 EMAIL: Ed's mail has a theme, we recap our Palmer ambush, where's Dom, Preacher talk, Not That Lone Ranger, Red Heads, Parker's girlfriends and MORE!