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Apr 16, 2017

This is the DC TV Report for the week ending Saturday April 15th, 2017 as submitted by Edward O'Hare, nickname To Be Determined. All the CW superhero shows took the week off so there were only 2 new fun and quirky episodes this week:

iZombie: Liv and Major ate the brains of a father and daughter who were murdered in a car crash. Major was oozing with teen drama and learned that Fillmore Graves feeds its zombies mashed up brains in tubes that don’t cause visions. Liv and Clive figured out the victims were killed by the girl’s best friend’s mom, because they knew the best friend was sleeping with her stepdad. Cavanaugh questioned Clive about Wally’s murder and we learned through flashbacks that Clive rescued Wally and his mom Anna from an abusive dad, and looked after them until Anna decided to move in with her brother. When Liv and Clive questioned Wally’s neighbor they learned of a message board full of humans who know about Zombies and want to harm them. Last Minute Reveal: Clive admitted to Cavanaugh that he often thinks about how things might have been different if he stayed in Wally and Anna’s lives!
Powerless: After saving Green Fury from an explosion while she was distracted by reporters asking about her breakup with Olympian, Emily pitched GF as a spokesperson for a flame-retardant poncho. GF agreed and after the Wayne Security board wanted to sex up the ad, GF got the Olympian to join in. The ad went great and GF got a call from JL Europe. Teddy tried using focus groups to make himself cool for Green Fury, and learned from Ron that it’s best to just be him.  Jackie was upset with Wendy for making friends with her daughter Ruby and not telling Jackie why Ruby punched a boy and got suspended. Damn pinky swears! After Ruby admitted the boy was making fun of Jackie there were hugs and sorries. Last Minute Reveal: Van started talking to Green Fury about the importance of sticking to your principles and Green Fury flew away mid-sentence!