Sep 25, 2017
We open with usual banter and then get into telling you about our new podcast, The DCTV Report! We call Ed’s DCTV co-host Sara Netzley, to get the scoop on the new show and what listeners can expect!
For news we cover The Punisher trailer, HBO orders Watchman, live-action Akira, the new Terminator movie, The Defenders...
Sep 18, 2017
Big news this week about the DC TV Report, and the Absolute PVP Contest! Plus, Ed visited Our Liner Notes and Uncle Jay finally crashed the Gotham Lights Podcast.
CHATGAME for this week is #Movie Parmigiana ex: Attack of the Killer Tomato Sauce!
In news we talk about the losses of Frank Vincent & Harry Dean Stanton, JJ...
Sep 17, 2017
Welcome to the DC TV Report for the week ending Saturday September 16th, 2017. I'm Edward O'Hare (nickname To Be Determined) we had a Finale this week and instead of a Retro Pick I have a huge announcement regarding the future of the DC TV Report. Stay Tuned:
Sep 11, 2017
This week lots of "IT" Talk! Is “It" the cinematic apology for "The Dark Tower” from Hollywood? Ed and Uncle Jay review it! The chatgame combines the two greatest forms of evil! In Nerd news: Colin Trevorrow exits Star Wars IX, Drew Goddard will write/direct “X-Force”, Gavin O’Connor setting up to...
Sep 10, 2017
Welcome to the DC TV Report for the week ending Saturday September 9th, 2017. Submitted by Edward O'Hare, nickname To Be Determined.