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Popping culture with a rubber chicken since 1802, so you don't have to.
Recorded LIVE every Saturday 7pm eastern at then
posts everywhere on Monday!

Nov 6, 2017

This week Ed and Uncle Jay make their triumphant return so we start off with where they were!

Ed reacts to last week’s Shazam news and new news with Black Adam. PLUS: Morgan Creek looks to return, 35 years of Rambo, Lord of the Rings end up on TV , and Disney is raising the stakes to put Star Wars: The Last Jedi in theaters, which prompts Ed to give us a thankfully short history lesson.

Then on to this week’s hashtag chatgame #BrokenTVShows before we get into the Meanwhile.

A short review of Thor, look for our FULL SIZED special review episode!

Bill talks recommends the podcast “Inside of You - Michael Rosenbaum,” Ed talks Manhunter, and two bad movie decisions, tag-team review Uncle Jay and Ed review Suburbicon. Then Emails, Ed complains about trailers, and Uncle Jay buys a third version of The Thing on Blu-Ray...